How to Report a Result Online

How to enter a result.

It’s the responsibility of the HOME team to enter the result onto the site.

Before you even start

You have to have an account on the WVA web site – That account has to be approved by the League Secretary to enter results for your club. In principle, a club may have as many Results Secretaries as it wishes.

If you have an account already; email quoting your username and the club you represent.

If you DON'T have an account then email quoting me:

  • your preferred username - if you have a preference
  • your email address
  • your preferred display name - if you have a preference
  • the club you represent

Once your account is prepared

1. Log in to the site
2. Click the home page Fixtures link for the relevant division
4. Find the correct fixture in the list, click Result Detail.
5. This page allows you enter much of the detail from the score sheet.
6. Note particularly. ‘Available players’ lists players the system believes are registered as available for the match. Tick the ones who actually played THEN CLICK Add To Squad. If you have players listed on the score sheet that do not appear in the Available players list, add each one separately as an Unregistered Player. It does not follow that the team will automatically be penalized for the use of an unregistered player. It may be that the player registration list is not fully up to date. Any penalty will be assessed and applied by the League Secretary.
7. After entering the Squad, scroll up to the squad list and set one of them as player of the match.
8. Repeat the squad process for the other team.
9. Enter each Set score individually. For each set enter the set number (1, 2, or 3) and the point scores (Team1 is the HOME team, Team2 is the AWAY team.)
10. You do not need to add any bonus points for reporting a result online, or winning the match. They are applied automatically by the system. Results Secretaries cannot enter any kind of score adjustment. Penalties or awards will be made by the League Secretary.
11. Add in the officials. First and Second ref should have a score from each team. Other officials are not allowed a score.
12. When you are happy with your work (you might want to go back and check it) click Approve Result. It’s now up to the AWAY team to check and approve it. You can’t touch it after you approve it.

A reminder. You still need to send off a scan, or the paper copy, of the score sheet to the league sec. The SIGNED score sheet remains the formal record of the match result.

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