How to Create a New Document

I suggest that you open this article in another browser window. Refer back to it as you work along.


Go to WVA Documents | Documents.  If you have permission to create documents you will see a link near the top - Create Article.  Click it.


Enter a Title.  For the WVA Minutes I follow a structured scheme of the form “December 2015 Meeting”


Enter the text of your article.  Web sites tend to be poor at entering significant amounts of text.  I recommend creating your text in a ‘proper’ word processing program and copy/pasting it in here.  The editor will convert it into HTML automatically.  It’s perfect with simple formatting -bold, italics, etc; it’s competent with tables; and completely confused by serious esoterics.


You may need to touch up the formatting afterwards.  If you have a document with any complex formatting requirements then I recommend that you try a small sample before doing lots of work.


Scroll to the bottom of the page; it's possible to add images and links etc. and we probably don't need those for simple documents. I normally leave the publish date and time unchanged, so that the article is immediately published; we have no need for the expiry date and time, our articles should be there forever.

At the very bottom, click the publish link and your work is done. The article is immediately live on the site.

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